– If you’re looking for inspiration to design your very own small minimalist apartment, keep reading. I’m going to give you a handful of great ideas that will help you get started. This is not a ‘do it yourself’ type of article. Rather, this is a quick guide to get you thinking about how you can incorporate some of these tips into your space.
Minimalist Small Apartment Ideas
A small minimalist apartment idea, A clean and simple design for your small apartment. Nothing here is really more than necessary. A television which is put in the corner. Another small desk under the hanging lamp with a bookshelf below.
So now we have a small desk and a bookshelf and some hanging shelves and a small television set and a coffee table. Sounds like a lot right? Well, that’s a lot in a small space but it can be done. Your creative juices will come out when you put all of these things together and you’ll come up with a small minimalist apartment idea that looks stunning.
Another small apartment decorating idea is to hang art. Art is beautiful and in a small space its perfect. Hanging art over your windows gives you more real estate to work with as well as bringing in some color and interest to the space. Anything you choose to hang on your windows is really up to you and should reflect your personal style.
Considering Wall Paint Colors
If you don’t like the look of art then you could consider painting your walls. You could go with anything from bold colors to soothing pastels or just about anything in between. Just remember that what you paint and how you paint it says a lot about you and your preferences so pick something that speaks to you. There’s no right or wrong answers when it comes to choosing your wall art so just have fun with it.
Having good lighting is also important when trying to decorate small apartments. Remember that you’re in a small space so don’t light up the whole apartment with a huge light fixture. Pick out a few wall sconces that are in a few different shades and put them in key places. This will bring some interesting character to the space and make it feel cozy.
The Prettiest Small Apartment Decoration
Small apartment decorating doesn’t mean being barefoot and wearing a two piece suit all day long. It doesn’t mean ignoring function and only concentrating on having a nice looking space. In fact, small apartments are perfect for functional and practical living. You just have to learn how to use your space smartly and efficiently.
That means not cramming everything into the smallest available space. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that everything has to fit. Leave open areas to turn into small tables, chairs, cabinets and other storage areas. Just don’t fill up the floor space completely with items that will take up an entire wall or will cover up a window. Use your imagination and be creative.
If you live in a small apartment, but you want it to have a larger feel, then add elements that will “spruce up” it. A small sofa can easily become a big comfy bed, if you use throws and cushions to add some interest. Keep in mind that just like in a larger space, light and airy colors go well in a small room. Dark colors like black and dark grey tend to look tiny when placed next to a small sized couch.
Choosing Luxurious Simple Furniture
Another thing to keep in mind is that there’s no need to spend money or go overboard on decorative objects. A minimalist approach to design means keeping most of the knick knacks and decorative pieces to the bare essentials. If you’re on a tight budget, don’t spend on anything too gaudy. Stick to simple and functional furniture.
In terms of style, a small kitchen or bathroom is a perfect place to avoid clutter. Use storage to its fullest advantage. If you don’t have any closet space, buy a large linen closet. A good floor-to-ceiling rack that doubles as a display area for crockery and small wearable jewelry will solve your problem with extra clothes lying around. Remember to keep your pipes clear of clutter so they won’t attract rodents.
A good way to save space in an apartment is to install shelving and cabinets. You can buy ready-made units from a furniture store or opt to make one yourself. As for doors, stick to sturdy, solid doors without fancy locks. Remember that glass is fragile and should be kept out of reach of children.